My teaching style is like my living style - a mix of solid methodology and boisterous creativity. "If there is a right way to do something, learn how to do it the right way." And then if you want to change it up, do it YOUR way!
I teach a combination of classical piano form and what I call Functional Piano. Every student learns five-finger patterns (pentascales), scales, key signatures and proper technique. But, after hearing legions of adults say they had studied piano for many years as a child and can't play a thing anymore, I developed what I call Functional Piano. Functional Piano allows you to sit at any keyboard instrument, without your books, and just make music! You may experience the same joy as you see in a child who has just learned Chopsticks or Heart and Soul.
You can expect that I will encourage you onward to something you think you cannot do. I will laugh with you during your lessons. I will watch and listen when you tell me the direction you want to go with your skills, and I will help you achieve your goals.
If you are a child, I will give you skills and techniques to allow you to make that choice once you are musically mature enough to do so. I use lesson method books to give you a sound foundation of skills and techniques, and I use masses of supplemental material that I deem appropriate for each student.
Many students play duets - either with me or with another student. There is much to be learned from duet-playing that cannot be learned when playing alone.